Archie Dear Santa,

Iz been a really good boy this year. Myz name is Archie and iz 6 ½ years old. Iz came to the rescue after someone stepped on me and broked my hip and crushed my kidney which iz had removed. Myz hip is better and iz do ok withs 1 kidney but mommie haz to help mes potty sometimes. I don't always get to the litter box and can make lots of messes. Mommies puts down lots of rugs to helps me walk better on the slick floorz but I could really use some new ones. I luvz my soupiez twice a day made with stella and chewys freeze dried raw morsels turkey,duck or chicken flavorz.
I luvs to play in the shredded paper box and would really love some new shredded papers. And cave type and snuggly beds are my favorites. Iz also like crinkly toys and sacks. Iz promise to share with my brudders and my sister. Theyz lubs wonkly eggs. Tank youz so much for picking me and helping my mommy to take care of me.
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Vet Bills Can Be Paid At:
Dr Martin
Vickery Place Animal Hospital
2720 N Henderson Ave
Dallas Texas USA 75206

Archie has a Santa.


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